Video Credit: Kevyn Tapia
What is your story?
My story is kind of a long one. It began pretty early on in my life when my parents separated. I was raised by a single mom with my younger sister, Mariah. Growing up, I knew things were rough for my mom, but we were fortunate enough for my grandparents to be there supporting us. I knew I had feelings about all of this but I never really understood them. Fast forward to 3rd grade, I was diagnosed with separation anxiety and that was the first time I had gone to therapy. I had a lot of feelings and it was so hard to navigate them at such a young age. Even further in the future, around middle school, is when things really turn a negative turn. It's hard to describe, but I just had an overwhelming feeling of sadness and I was never sure why. I began therapy again and was diagnosed with depression and anxiety, which made a lot of sense. This is also when a lot of my feelings began to come out and I was finally beginning to understand myself. Understanding myself, however, wasn't necessarily a positive thing at the time. It just felt like I was finally able to name the feelings I had but there were so many, that it began to feel so complicated and that I would never be able to help myself. Over time, I learned new techniques to cope and through a lot of time and effort, I am in a much different place. I still have many moments of weakness but I am working on not viewing those moments as a weakness, but instead an opportunity for growth. I know this is something I will face for the rest of my life, and this I have accepted.
How has your story impacted who you are today?
My story has impacted who I am today in so many ways. In a sense, I had to mature pretty early on in life due to navigating all of my crazy thoughts and emotions. My story has also helped me to be a more caring and sympathetic person. I always try to look at the bigger picture and try to see things from a new perspective. It is so easy to get caught up in the moment and lose yourself, but trying to look at the situation from a different point of view has been something I try to incorporate into my everyday life. To me, the topic of mental health is so so important and I feel that it is something that needs to be shared. At this point in my journey, it has made me want to put myself out there and help others using the knowledge I have gained through my own personal experiences. It has also made me stronger in a lot of ways and helped me to grow my confidence in other areas of life. My mental health is constantly evolving even though I may not always notice, and little by little I am getting better.
What has your mental health journey looked like?
My journey has much to do with therapy and trying to understand myself. As I previously mentioned, I had gone to therapy beginning at a very young age. At that time though, I really didn't understand what it was all about, just a nice lady to talk to. When I grew older and went back, it had a greater impact on me since I understood more at that point. This therapist unfortunately ended up transferring and I needed to switch to someone new. This new therapist was also very kind, but I knew she would be leaving the organization within the next year. Having to switch therapists was difficult because I had already shared my story and my life to someone and I had to start all over again with another person. After this, I stopped going to therapy for a long while because I didn't feel it was stable. After lots of trial and error, I came to understand more of what my mind and body need, and with the help of those I love, I began to heal. I started to focus on the positive and happy parts of my life and took time to enjoy the little things. I realized how important it is to find joy and light in everything I do because without these things, life wouldn't be, well, life. Now, I am currently back in therapy, provided to me by TFD, and I am learning even more about myself and connecting all the parts of my journey that have led me here and to who I am today.
What encouragement would you give to someone who shares a similar story?
Encouragement I have for someone going through something similar is just to keep pushing through because there is always a light at the end of the tunnel, no matter how long it may be. It may seem impossible in those moments but there is good everything, you just have to look in the right places. It is also really important to surround yourself with people who support and encourage you. Life is about evolving and growing but also about finding joy in where you are now because life really is beautiful and it is a gift we are given each day. That to me is definitely something to celebrate! Don't ever forget that there are always people who care and you are never alone in what you face.