Community Talk: Money Healing

Last night Jasmine, ED of The Firehouse Dream and CEO of Mentally Mutual, led us through her money healing discussion! We are so excited to be hosting Jasmine for her second money healing talk with The Firehouse Dream. Jasmine shares her journey on her money healing mindset shift and all the opportunities it has created for her thus far. Her workbook, “Limitless Dreaming” is interactive for participants to actively reflect and change their mindset. Jasmine led the participants through the workbook and then after she presented her tips she uses today for values-based budgeting.

Thank you Jasmine for continuing to change the stigma against money and educate the importance of money as a resource instead of negativity.

Art Therapy at PMSA Mental Health Club

We are so excited to continue offering our programming through mental health club at PMSA. This month, Dana of Paint on Purpose led art therapy for the students. This session, the students painted cacti to resemble growth and purpose. Cacti are able to grow in harsh conditions even without water. Dana created this piece to resemble the how we are always working to a goal and we can still achieve growth even during hard time.

Thank you Dana for extending your resources to the PMSA students and thank you to the students for your participation!

Community Talk: College Hacking

We were so excited to host our second community talk for the month of October. This month, Maya Hill, Executive Assistant at The Firehouse Dream facilities College Hacking. Maya has been able to attend college for low cost and wanted to teach her neighbors her tips and tricks. She talked about her story so far, what is college, and of course the tricks she used to go for low cost. We ended with a Q&A on the importance of educating students on their options besides college and decreasing the stigma against community college!

Thank you, Maya, for sharing your knowledge!

Community Yoga

This past weekend we held our first community yoga for this fall! We were excited to see returning and new faces this time around! As always, we started with breathwork and then went into the morning flow led by Kathy Khang. Kathy loves to introduce balance techniques as a part of the flow due to the importance of balance throughout life. Additionally, we did a flow circuit where the same moves are introduced and you create a circuit by doing them one after another, like a routine. This helps stimulate the heart rate but provides amazing stretching!

Thank you Kathy for continuing to share your knowledge and skill! Our next session is Saturday, December 9th, 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM!

Art Therapy

This week, we hosted Art Therapy for our community! This session, we painted sunflowers, to resemble that we can still grow within hardships. Sunflowers take up lots of sunlight but they are still able to survive off little water. Additionally, they produce many seeds when they are fully grown. Dana thought that this was a good symbolization that although sometimes there is no water in our cup, we still have the opportunity to grow and present seeds for out future. As the session went forward, the community talked about their experiences living in Maywood, and what they did to be a good neighbor!

Thank you to those who joined us! Thanks again to Dana for leading another session!