being vulnerable

PMSA Mental Health Club | Vulnerability

Chris of The Nehemiah Community Project led the PMSA students through a workshop about vulnerability, First, the group started off with an icebreaker where they used a ball that had written questions to choose from. The students passed it to one another for one full turn around the circle. Chris then started to ask the students about what they previously thought about being vulnerable. The students shared how they practice being vulnerable with friends and how maybe they can invite more vulnerability into their friendships.

Thank you, Chris and the students, for another great conversation.

Black and Brown Solidarity | Creative Dreaming

We recently received a grant from Healing Illinois that allows us to create programming to amplify black and brown voices. Specifically, we are working toward how can we bridge this gap in our community. Through storytelling, creativity, and trust, we plan on working as a community to bring more light to Maywood and Proviso. Our young adults were passionate and well-spoken about the issues they face in Proviso. We held this session for out youth to use creativity and tying in the topics of black and brown experiences.

Thanks to the youth who came out today! If you know any one interested, our next dreaming session is February 21st, 6:30 Pm to 8:00. Participants must identify as a black or brown ethnicity and come from Proviso schools. Email for more info!

A Conversation On Vulnerability

How does being vulnerable make you feel? To kick off week 10 of mentorship, our Mentees engaged in a conversation around vulnerability led by Jasmine, our Co-founder & Executive Director. The discussion on vulnerability was sparked after Jasmine shared an experience she had in a women’s group. Each Mentee then shared a time where they were vulnerable with another person. We talked through how it made them feel and if it was a positive or negative experience. In sharing these experiences, the Mentees were able to see their differences as well as their commonalities.

One mentee shared that consent should always be at the center of vulnerability. If you feel uncomfortable, you can limit what you choose to share. It’s important that our mentees are aware of and respect consent with one other in what they choose to share during group discussions.

Following our group conversation on vulnerability, we separated into mini groups to connect and continue the discussion. Starting a conversation can aid in learning something new about another person, and discover how their lived experiences have impacted them.

Photo Credit: Mariah